Conditions Treated by Chiropractic Care

While chiropractic care can help with any number of symptoms and problems, we have listed out some of the more common conditions that you may recognize in yourself or others. If you are experiencing any of these problems, please contact us for an appointment today.

  • Millions of people who suffer from a wide variety of conditions, such as allergies, colds, and decreased immune system function, have benefited from chiropractic care. Why you ask? Because chiropractic is a method of healthcare that permits your body to function at its best. That is especially important if you suffer from these ailments.

    Your immune system keeps you 100% natural, organic, and pure! It recognizes and destroys anything that is not supposed to be in you: bacteria, viruses, pollutants, dust, pollen, drugs, tumors, dead pieces of your own skin cells, and even artificial hearts and donor organs (Metal and plastic, however, do not trigger an immune reaction.) A healthy immune system promotes high resistance to disease and infection, better equips you to deal with stress, and blesses you with greater health and well-being.

    By releasing stress on the nervous system, chiropractic permits the immune system to function more effectively—something all allergy and cold sufferers need. A nervous system without stress functions more efficiently. Recent understandings in psychoneuroimmunology reveal that when the nervous system functions better, the immune system benefits.

    Chiropractors correct the basic cause of body malfunction to improve the function of your immune system. Please note that the chiropractic approach is to remove vertebral subluxations, a common spinal distortion that puts stress on your nervous system. When your nervous system is free of stress, your body will work more effectively to neutralize the allergy-causing chemicals in your environment as well as boost your immune system’s overall function.

  • The disc is a small cartilage pad that is situated between spinal bones. The soft jelly-like center is contained by layers of fibrous tissues. Each disc serves as a connector, spacer, and shock absorber for the spine. When healthy, discs allow normal bending, turning, and overall body movement.

    Since spinal discs have a very poor blood supply, they depend upon the circulation of joint fluids to bring nutrients and expel waste. If a spinal joint loses its normal motion and this pumping action is impaired, the health of the disc deteriorates. Like a wet sponge, a healthy disc is flexible. A dry sponge is hard, stiff, and can crack easily. This is how many disc problems begin.

    Because of the way each disc is attached to the vertebra above and below it, a disc cannot slip as commonly thought. However, trauma or injury to the spine can cause discs to bulge, herniate, or worse, rupture. This can be quite painful, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, interfering with their function.

    While results cannot be guaranteed, many patients have avoided needless surgery or a dependency on pain pills by choosing conservative chiropractic care.

  • Whiplash is most commonly received from riding in a car that is struck from behind or that collides with another vehicle or object. When the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits, the muscles and ligaments that support the spine and head can be overstretched or torn. The soft, pulpy discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear, or rupture. Vertebrae can be forced out of their normal position, reducing range of motion. The spinal cord and nerve roots in the neck can get stretched and irritated. While occupants can suffer considerable soft tissue injury, the car may only be slightly damaged.

    The resulting instability of the spine and soft tissues can cause headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulder, arms, and hands, reduced ability to turn and bend, and even low back problems. As the body attempts to adapt, symptoms may not appear for weeks or even months later.

    The chiropractic approach to these types of injuries is to use specific chiropractic adjustments to help return spinal function. After a thorough examination and case history, the doctor will recommend a series of visits to help restore proper motion and position of the spinal bones. If caught early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimized.

    Consult a Doctor of Chiropractic before enduring constant headaches, depending upon addictive pain medication, or submitting to surgery.

  • Arthritis is a condition characterized by the gradual breakdown of joint cartilage, most common in the weight-bearing joints of the body such as the knees, hips, and back. It is also common in the neck and hands. As the joint breaks down, it can lead to joint stiffness and increased strain on the muscles in that area. Additionally, as joint function changes, it can lead to movement compensations and place strain on other areas of the body. Although degenerative changes are common with age, they do not automatically result in pain. Research now shows that it is not the degeneration of the joint that is responsible for pain, but the effects the degeneration has on joint function.

    We focus on restoring and maintaining joint function by emphasizing movement and muscle strength to support and stabilize the degenerated area. We also assess how the body as a whole is functioning in order to uncover any other movement abnormalities that may be affecting the joints.

  • Joints of the body need to move. When this movement becomes restricted and normal motion is altered, several problems arise. Most commonly joint dysfunction results in pain, stiffness, muscle tightness, cartilage breakdown/degeneration, and movement compensation leading to undue stress on other areas of the body. Joint dysfunction is common in the spine and the extremities and can commonly occur with injury, poor posture, muscle tightness, scar tissue, or muscle imbalance. The doctor will assess movement of the joints to feel for areas of altered or restricted movement. Once identified, the abnormal movement can be restored using a combination of chiropractic joint adjustments and muscle relaxation therapy. Whenever possible simple home exercises are demonstrated to facilitate and maintain proper motion in key areas. Underlying factors such as poor posture and muscle imbalance often need to be addressed in cases of chronic or recurrent joint dysfunction.

  • Subluxations (misalignments of the spinal vertebrae) are one of the most common causes of neck and low back pain. When vertebrae are misaligned, they put pressure directly on spinal nerves, causing pain. Muscle spasms may set in which can increase the pressure further. This extra pressure can cause even more inflammation and irritation, which leads to more pain. And the cycle continues. Oftentimes, stretching and massage may only temporarily relieve the pain because the cause (subluxation) has not been addressed. A chiropractic adjustment focuses on correcting the cause.

  • 80% of headaches originate from the neck. Usually, an increased amount of stress and tension held in the shoulders causes contractions of all of the surrounding neck muscles. When these muscles contract, vertebrae can become misaligned causing pressure on spinal nerves, and ultimately pain. With a typical cervicogenic (neck origin) headache, a person usually feels pain starting at the base of the skull which radiates into the temples, eyeballs, and forehead. There may be several other causes of headaches, so a proper examination is needed to determine the actual cause.

  • The sciatic nerve is a long nerve originating in the lower back and extending down the back of the leg. When this nerve is irritated, it can cause pain, numbness, weakness, or other symptoms in the lower back and down the leg. There are several possible causes of this condition. A misaligned vertebra can cause inflammation of the joints, putting pressure on the nerve. Bulging discs and muscle spasms can also cause pressure on the sciatic nerve. Several other conditions may cause this symptom, so a complete evaluation is needed to correctly asses the exact cause.

  • These days millions of Americans have jobs that can have damaging effects on the hands and arms. Repetitive movements which are not performed with good ergonomics in mind can cause micro-trauma to the hands and wrists. This trauma combined with joint dysfunction and spinal problems may result in a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve, which is affected in carpal tunnel syndrome, travels from the tips of the fingers, through the wrist, up the arm, and into the neck connecting to the spinal cord. If one or more of these structures are affected, symptoms of wrist pain, numbness, weakness, burning, and loss of muscle function can occur. Chiropractic can assure that all of the joints and muscles along the path of the nerve are free of obstruction and functioning normally, thus reducing nerve irritation and pain.

  • Fibromyalgia is a controversial and complicated condition to understand. For proper diagnosis and treatment, a wide variety of factors need to be considered including “head-to-toe” joint and muscle function, nutrition, and lifestyle issues. A thorough examination including orthopedic and neurologic testing, as well as other specialized tests, will help to determine the exact causes of your symptoms and your individualized treatment plan. Very often, a comprehensive treatment program addressing all of these issues leads to significant improvement.

    Joint and soft tissue manipulation is often very helpful in relieving the aches and pains of fibromyalgia and related conditions. Other treatment options may include ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, acupuncture, therapeutic exercises, massage therapy & myofascial release techniques. These procedures, combined with nutritional & herbal medicine, and/or homeopathy, constitute a comprehensive, holistic approach. Although researchers are still a long way from finding a “cure” for fibromyalgia, chiropractic care is usually very successful in the effective management of this condition. However, if after examination we conclude that your case cannot be helped with conservative care, a prompt referral will be made.

  • Subluxation is a term used in the chiropractic field to describe what happens when one of the vertebrae in your spine moves out of position. The word subluxation is derived from the Latin words meaning somewhat or slightly (sub) and to dislocate (luxate). When this happens, the misaligned vertebra creates pressure and stress on the spinal nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding muscles. This pressure and stress can cause an imbalance in the body’s normal processes as the nerves in the spinal column extend to the entire body and its organs. As time goes on and the uncorrected subluxation settles, the damage to the nerve gets progressively worse, and different stages of subluxation degeneration set in.

    Subluxations can occur in a number of ways. A car accident, athletic injuries, birth trauma, pregnancy, a fall, sudden jar, or other traumas are all examples of unique instances that may cause a subluxation. The other occurrence of subluxation comes from regular actions such as improper sleeping position, poor posture, or incorrect lifting processes.

    Chiropractors are specialists in correcting subluxation and other misalignments. A chiropractor can restore the misaligned vertebrae to the proper position in the spinal column. They do this manually by using the chiropractic procedure known as a spinal adjustment. Your chiropractor, in most cases, will use his or her hands in applying corrective pressure to the spine in a specific direction and location. The manual force or thrust helps restore the alignment and mobility of the vertebrae. In some cases, the chiropractor may use instruments to detect a subluxation and adjust the spine. Under normal circumstances, chiropractic adjustments are painless. In cases of trauma, such as car accidents, some discomfort may be experienced due to inflammation.

  • Degenerative spine conditions involve the gradual loss of normal structure and function of the spine over time.

    Degeneration Phase 1

    First, your spine loses its normal balance. There may be a loss of normal spinal curves. Your nerves may be affected and the vital life energy that flows over them is interfered with. Also, your joints, discs, nerves, and posture are stressed and age more quickly. Surprisingly, there may be no pain other than occasional minor discomfort. Also present may be a slight lessening of energy and slight height loss. Response to spinal care is generally good.

    Degeneration Phase 2

    Here there is a much greater degree of decay, disc narrowing, and bone spurs (deformations); postural changes are much worse. This condition is very common (by age 40, 80% of males and 76% of females exhibit moderate disc degeneration). Spinal canal narrowing or stenosis may occur. This phase is characterized by more common aches and pains, fatigue, and a diminished ability to cope with stress. Height continues to decrease. With chiropractic care significant improvement is possible.

    Degeneration Phase 3

    Here there are more postural imbalances, increased nerve damage, permanent scar tissue, and advanced bone deformation. Physical and/or mental weakness or disability begins. Also found in this phase are permanent loss of height and loss of energy. With care some reversal is possible.

    Degeneration Phase 4

    This is the most advanced stage of subluxation degeneration. The postural imbalance is severe and motion is limited. There is severe nerve damage, permanent scar tissue is formed, and the bones may begin to fuse. In this phase, we find pain, various degrees of physical or mental disability, and continued loss of energy and height. By now the condition is considered irreversible, although chiropractic may give some symptomatic relief.

  • What many people don’t know is that you don’t have to be injured to benefit from chiropractic care. By staying well adjusted with maintenance chiropractic care, you can help prevent injury. Some other possible benefits of maintenance care are: optimal nerve output for optimal physical performance, improved posture, decreased stiffness, increased mobility, energy, strength, circulation, and immune function just to name a few. Everybody benefits from chiropractic a little differently, but one thing everybody has in common is that they just feel better.